Wednesday, June 15, 2016

BBM Delta v2.13.1.14 - Latest Updates BBM Mod Android Terbaik

Here is a new BBM Delta v2.13.1.14 for you. This is release only for those guys, who love bbm mod for download. Delta BBM v3.5.2 based Official v2.13.1.14 have new features as diverse as Lock Style which has been updated in terms zoom adjustments to the design minimasli and clean, next to two new features are now BBM Delta back to show features Ringtone useful to add an additional ring tones with users choice. bbm delta, delta latest bbm, bbm download the latest delta, delta mod bbm, bbm theme download android versatile, fuel transparent delta, As we all know fuel Delta is an Android BBM modifications to give us a solution for users who are often bored with Official fuel where the advantages of this fuel us to freely change the entire look and enjoy some premium features that have been pinned into the delta this setting. Curious as to what to see and other Premium Features, following his review. You may also like: BBM Windows Phone Hello Kitty V2.13.1.14 - BBM MOD

BBM Delta v2.13.1.14 Latest version download

BBM Delta v2.13.1.14 - Latest Updates BBM Mod Download

It is the very recent released delta bbm mod for android. You can free download this from our website. Besides added design feature Flat Status Bar is where to add the impression material that appears. But for Features Post FB and Night Mode has been deleted in the current version. So penasarankan what you look and new features, waiting please direct download and feel. But before that, please see the first few features other complete following his review. This released published with some beautiful and awesome features. Hope guys, you'll like this bbm delta mod for you smartphone device. delta dark bbm, bbm delta theme of light, bbm without ad delta, delta fuel v2.13.1.14 , bbm bbm v3.5.2 delta delta delta mod bbm free sticker sticker backup. best mod bbm, bbm most popular

BBM Delta v2.13.1.14 BBM Mod Android Terbaik

This delta bbm latest version published with some awesome features, that will like you. Fitur-fitur yang ditawarkan pada Delta BBM v3.2.0 ini cukup banyak (Full Mod) diantaranya Fitur Big DP on Drawer and Profile KenburnView (on/off) yang mana memberikan tampilan Foto Profil yang besar pada bagian slide menu atau dibagian Profile masing-masing dengan paduan effect Animation yang akan membuat tampilan DP akan selalu bergerak. Custom Background (Color & Picture) fungsinya untuk mengubah jenis background misalnya gambar langsung dari galery (only main and chat) dan juga bisa merubah warna latarbelakang menjadi warna yang diinginkan. Selain itu sekarang fitur Change PING!!! dan Broadcast bisa anda sesuaikan jenis warna teksnya sendiri seperti warna yellow, pink, teal, indigo dan orange dan gunanya Change Text Default PING!!! yang mana kalian bisa mengubahnya menjadi SAYANG!!!, Hello, Kulonuwun, Sampurasum, dan Assalamu'alaikum.

Some Features of BBM Delta v2.13.1.14

The features you should enjoy on Delta BBM v3.2.0 is quite a lot (Full Mod) including features

Big DP on Drawer and Profile KenburnView (on / off) which gives the appearance of a large profile photos in the slide or menu section respectively Profile with alloy effect Animation that will make the DP will always move.

Custom background (color & picture) function to change the type of background such as images directly from gallery (only play and chat) and can also change the background color into the desired color. In addition now features

Change PING !!! Broadcast and you can customize the type of text color itself as the color yellow, pink, teal, indigo and orange and pointless

Change Text Default PING !!! that is where you can turn it into DEAR !!!, Hello, Kulonuwun, Sampurasum, and Assalamu'alaikum .

Change EmoticonStyle , the usefulness of this feature is added emoticons new ones like pacman: v and emoticons style iOS and others.

Change the Text Color , we know that this feature already exists in the previous version, but only this time it has been updated and improved to we can change the type color of the text that we want.

Avatar type this many options offered among which you can change the look of DP you to form circle shadow effect, changing the DP into lingkrang, boxes, rounded, border color, and the last feature of Dhian Rusdiana that works to change the type of form to see DP Corner Radius whether Left, Right, bottom and top.

Tint Navigation bar function is the same as the Status bar Tint which is used to change the color of the navigation bar you.

change Tab Indicator color this feature is used to change the color of the bottom line in part mainbar.

change Navigation icon serves to change the icon mainbar to icon line, delta, twitter, text, and original.

change Incoming & Outgoing Transparent where you can change the color / opacity Bubble Chat you to Transparent so if activated feature Theme transparent would be more fitting.

The choice of language ( Indonesian, English, Basa Sunda, and Boso Jowo ). In the new version there are currently no Bugs Official namely Indonesian gone, Well, this is where Yoyocx get inspiration to make fuel Delta's order Support for all languages ​​included Feature Sundanese and Javanese.

Change General Text Color which serves to change the color of text such as in List Chat or other layout section. Then the third feature is

TextView Style is used to change the look with style Text object to be desired as the style Italic, Bold, and Bold Italic. Then Feature

Select Text Size or Text Size selection function to change the type of font sizes shapes ranging in size from 13.0sp up with this feature 18.0sp size suitable for you who have problems in Mata (nearsightedness and close).

Select Notification Splat Icon color allows you to change the color Icon existing fuel in the StatusBar or in the Notice.

(Primary color, color Accent, Incoming / Outgoing Bubble color) is befungsi to change the type of colors that suit you.

change Icon Set is useful for setting the size of the Icon Corner Radius like shape circle, box and form diamond.

hide Sponsor which serves to hide the Sponsored Ads like rent GA (AdMob).

change Ticks Icons where this feature serves to change the type / form Icon Icon predefined default instance, ios, material design, v8 bbm, messenger, and heart.

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Change EmoticonStyle, kegunaan dari fitur ini adalah telah ditambahkan emoticon yang baru seperti pacman :v dan emoticon style iOS dan lain-lain. Change Teks Color, kita ketahui bahwa fitur ini sudah ada pada versi sebelumnya namun hanya kali ini telah diperbaharui dan diperbaiki agar kita bisa mengubah jenis warna teks yang kita inginkan.

Avatar Type ini banyak pilihan yang ditawarkan diantarnya kalian bisa mengubah tampilan DP kamu dengan bentuk lingkarang efek shadow, mengubah DP menjadi lingkrang, kotak, rounded, warna border, dan yang terakhir fitur dari Dhian Rusdiana yang berfungsi mengubah jenis bentuk tampilan DP Corner Radius entah itu Left, Right, Bottom dan top. Tint Navigation Bar fungsinya sama saja dengan Status Bar Tint yang mana digunakan untuk mengubah warna navigation bar anda. Change Tab Indicator Color fitur ini digunakan untuk merubah warna garis bawah yang ada di bagian Mainbar. Change Navigation Icon berfungsi untuk mengubah icon mainbar ke icon line, delta, twitter, teks, dan original. Change Incoming & Outgoing Transparent yang mana kalian bisa mengubah warna/opacity Bubble Chat anda ke Transparent sehingga jika diaktifkan Fitur Theme Transparent akan lebih pas.

Pemilihan Bahasa (Indonesia, English, Basa Sunda, dan Boso Jowo). Pada versi baru saat ini terdapat ada Bugs Official yaitu Bahasa Indonesia telah hilang, Nah, disinilah Yoyocx mendapatkan Inspirasi untuk membuatkan BBM Delta ini agar Support ke semua Bahasa termasuk Ciri Bahasa Sunda & Jawa. Change General Text Color yang mana berfungsi untuk mengubah Warna Text seperti di List Chat ataupun dibagian layout lainnya. Kemudian Fitur ketiga yaitu TextView Style ini digunakan untuk mengubah object tampilan dengan gaya Text yang diinginkan seperti dengan gaya Italic, Bold, dan Italic Bold.

Kemudian Fitur Select Text Size atau pemilihan Ukuran Text berfungsi untuk mengubah jenis bentuk Ukuran Font mulai dari ukuran 13.0sp sampai dengan ukuran 18.0sp fitur ini cocok bagi kalian yang bermasalah pada Mata (rabun jauh & dekat). Select Notification Splat Icon Color berguna untuk mengubah warna Icon BBM yang ada di StatusBar atau di Pemberitahuan. (Primary Color, Accent Color, Incoming/Outgoing Bubble Color) ini befungsi untuk mengubah Jenis warna yang sesuai keinginan kalian. Change Icon Set berguna untuk mensetting ukuran Icon Corner Radius seperti bentuk Lingkarang, Kotak dan bentuk ketupat. Hide Sponsor yang mana berfungsi untuk menyembunyikan Iklan Sponsor seperti Iklan GA (AdMob). Change Ticks Icons dimana fitur ini berfungsi untuk mengubah jenis/bentuk Icon yang telah disediakan misalnya Icon default, ios, material design, bbm v8, messenger, dan heart. 

Modders: Yoyocx S |

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